Organisation: Van der Hoeven Kliniek
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Type of care: highest security level
Solution: CoWin 48 (two installations)
Patients at the Van der Hoeven Kliniek often experience complex psychiatric issues, and managing high-energy or violent behavior in a high-security environment is difficult. De-escalation rooms can be stressful for some patients, and the care team needed an effective way to calm and engage individuals in crisis.
The clinic introduced the CoWin 48 media wall in January 2022, later installing a second unit due to its success. The system is simple and intuitive, offering tailored music, images, and other media to meet individual patient needs. It provides a calming influence and diversions that reduce stress and help de-escalate potentially violent situations.
Contact us to discover how we can meet your organization’s unique needs and provide the best solutions for effective crisis management.